Users can access WorldCat Local via "Search All" and this is a single search experience that eliminates
the need to consult many separate resources and interfaces. "Search All"
provides instant access to your library's materials – digital objects, electronic materials, databases, eJournals, music, videos, audio, eBooks, maps, journals, theses and books – in addition to materials in group and consortial catalogs and thousands of OCLC member libraries worldwide.
WorldCat Local is the best way to get more than 1.7 billion important and unique works in the world's libraries in front of your users. More than forty national catalogs contribute to WorldCat, bringing the riches of international scholarship to your community. And because the cooperative partners with organizations like Google Books, the HathiTrust, JSTOR and OAIster, every WorldCat Local search reveals deep and useful results from an extraordinary range of collections.

About WorldCat Local
WorldCat Local is a webscale discovery solution that delivers search access to more than 1.7 billion items from your library and the world's library collections.You'll find:
1.4+ billion articles with one-click access to full text 40+ million digital items from trusted sources like Google Books, OAIster and HathiTrust 16 + million eBooks from leading aggregators and publishers 3 + million pieces of evaluative content (Tables of Contents, cover art, summaries, etc.)
251+ million books in libraries worldwide
FIND materials quickly and easily